Before Your Visit

For many of these procedures, there is a certain amount of preparation prior to your visit for your procedure. Understanding what you’ll need to do before your visit is essential to making sure your procedure is a success. In some cases, strict adherence to this preparatory work is required or the procedure may have to be rescheduled. Explore any of the procedures below to jump right to what you need to know before your visit.


Esophageal Dilation

Flexible Sigmoidoscopy

PEG Replacement

Upper Endoscopy


Important Information About Your Body Mass Index (BMI)

If your BMI is 50 or over, and you have a procedure scheduled at Quadrangle Endoscopy Center, it is very important that you notify Physicians East, PA – Surgery as soon as possible at (252) 413-6298

Please find your height on the left side of the chart, and closest current weight across the top of the chart. The number found where that row and column intersect is your BMI.

Example: If your Ht. is 6’0” and Wt. is 212 (use closest value column of 210) your BMI is 29.

If you do not find your BMI on the chart and/or weigh over 330 lbs and think your BMI may be 50 or over, please call the number above so that we can assist you in calculating your current BMI.
